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Parallel Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication with OpenMPI

by Yunke Cao and Yuhao Lei



Final Report

Current Schedule

Work Participants Progress
(11/16) Design the structure for the BFS variation Yuhao Lei, Yunke Cao Done
(11/30) Implement BFS variation of CAPS Yuhao Lei Done (12.2)
(12/05) BFS version verification and optimization Yuhao Lei, Yunke Cao Done (12.2)
(11/30) Design the structure for DFS variation Yunke Cao, Yuhao Lei Done
(12/05) Implement DFS variation of CAPS Yunke Cao Done
(12/10) DFS version verification and optimization Yunke Cao, Yuhao Lei Done
(12/14) Have our poster ready Yuhao Lei, Yunke Cao Done
(12/15) Final report Yuhao Lei, Yunke Cao Done
(Canceled) Extra goal: benchmark test Yuhao Lei, Yunke Cao Canceled
(12/16) Poster session Yuhao Lei, Yunke Cao  

We canceled the extra goal. The reason is that we tried to find some OpenMPI implementation of Strassen’s algorithm. The ones we found on Github are either: cannot compile at all, or cannot accept input matrix with large enough size to compare performance.